Phono-duos - Phonèmes (Fr) $29.99 Here you are on a new planet! Can you find the funny little creatures that live there? Phono-duos: Phonèmes (first sound of a word) is designed to heView full details $29.99
Phono-duos - Syllabes (Fr) $29.99 Here you are on a new planet! Can you find the funny little creatures that live there? Phono-duos: Syllables (first syllable of a word) is designed tView full details $29.99
Phono-duos - Rimes (Fr) $29.99 Here you are on a new planet! Can you find the funny little creatures that live there? Phono-duos: Rimes is designed to encourage the development of View full details $29.99
#Distavie Junior (Fr) $24.99 Are you looking forward to adulthood? Can you go a week without screens? Get rid of your cards as quickly as possible by answering some surprising quView full details $24.99
Chromatik (Fr) $24.99 Let the game begin! Spot the dominant colors and develop your character's skills. Chromatik is designed to help children aged 4 to 9 develop visuospaView full details $24.99
Prononcio! (Fr) $39.99 Prononcio disparum! Oh no, Graficius the wicked magician has put a curse on the villagers! They can't pronounce the words they know. Help them relearView full details $39.99
The big resolution: the film! (Fr) $49.99 3, 2, 1... Action! Are conflicts the backdrop to your daily life? Play the role of director and help your children resolve their conflicts by reconstrView full details $49.99
Espionage operation (Fr) $39.99 Albert's favourite pastime is spying on his neighbours! He hides and observes people without them knowing, trying to find out what's happening to themView full details $39.99
Invasion critique (Fr) $49.99 Bad luck! Zombies invade Critico-Ville! The victims have lost all critical faculties and are incapable of judgement. The survivors must fight the zombView full details $49.99
Counterfeit (Fr) $22.99 It's a scandal! A criminal is copying original works of art. You have to help investigator Bienvu spot the fake paintings by detecting their imperfectView full details $22.99
Le Dé des Actions (Ext) $19.99 Die not included. The basic game Le Dé des Premiers Mots is required to use this expansion. Throw the die in the air and reproduce the action illustraView full details $19.99
L'Attente Filante 2 (Fr) $24.99 Balance cards on your body! Memorize the elements on the card! Look another player in the eye without laughing! Say the tongue twister without gettingView full details $24.99
Pousse-toi de là! (Fr) $39.99 The winner of the famous Tombe-à-l'Eau footbridge championship will be declared today! Got an opponent in the way? Push him into the water and take thView full details $39.99
La Guerre des Toques (Fr) $39.99 Welcome to the La guerre des toques cooking competition! In this fast-paced culinary competition, the judges challenge the apprentice cooks to collectView full details $39.99
Qui cherche quoi où comment? (Fr) $29.99 Objective: Understand basic concepts On your marks, get set, go! Where's the big bear? Who's next to the dollhouse? What do you see in front of the chView full details $29.99
L'attente filante 1 $24.99 Balance on one foot! Look another player in the eye without laughing! Say the tongue twister without getting it wrong! L'attente filante 1 is a card gView full details $24.99
Act it Out! (En) $29.99 You just received a sweater as a gift that you think is ugly. Your classmate tries to copy off of you during a test. You broke a book that a friend lView full details $29.99
TalkItOut (Ang) $24.99 #TalkItOut lets teenagers express themselves on a variety of subjects that concern them. The game helps them develop social skills. Ages 12 and up 2 tView full details $24.99
Park That Car (Ang) $44.99 The cars are ready to go! But they need a learner driver like you to park them in the right places around town. Listen carefully to the instructions aView full details $44.99
The Case of the Missing Carrots (Ang) $36.99 Weird! The carrots have disappeared from the garden! But why? Turn into a detective and head to the vegetable garden to find the culprit. But be carefView full details $36.99
Qui Cherche Quoi où? (Fr) $29.99 On your marks, get set, search! To find out which object or character to look for, pick a card and listen carefully to Mum or Dad's question. You can View full details $29.99
La Tour des Consignes (Fr) $36.99 Take a dice and have fun throwing it at the end of your arms! But be careful! The die tells you what to do. Build the tower one die at a time, then knView full details $36.99
Le Train des Phrases (Fr) $39.99 Are you ready to go to the next station? To get there, you need to turn the wheels on your locomotive and lengthen your sentences. Will you get there View full details $39.99
DÉgourdi (Fr) $39.99 Oh no! Josh the naughty neighbor has made stink bombs again. You must quickly defuse them before they explode and stink up the entire neighborhood wiView full details $39.99