Carnaval de Québec - 24 mcx $19.99 Casse-tête de 24 morceaux - Carnaval de Québec 47 x 45 cm GLA8953 $19.99
Carnaval de Québec - 1000 pcs $24.99 1000 piece puzzle - Carnaval de Québec 68 x 50 cm GLA8950 $24.99
Warheads Mega Tube - 212 g $19.99 This Warheads Super Tube is a giant 18-inch tube of delicious candy ready to explode! Each Warheads super tube contains 14.5 oz of superb Warheads canView full details $19.99
How do you get rid of a booger? Without having to eat it! (Bil) $24.99 Turn over the tiles and memorize them as you learn what to do and what not to do with a booger. Take part in the race for good habits by grabbing youView full details $24.99
Lost and Found - Kioukis (Bil) $19.99 The Kioukis animals are lost and it's up to you to find them! Compare the Lost Animals card with your Found Animals cards. If one of these matches onView full details $19.99
Memory Game - Kioukis (Bil) $19.99 This matching game will help you improve your memory, observation skills and sense of logic. You have to match identical pairs in the classic versionView full details $19.99
Bingo Game - Kioukis (Bil) $19.99 In this Bingo game, you'll enjoy exploring the wonderful world of Kioukis. The reversible game boards will introduce you to a variety of objects, fooView full details $19.99
Danger! Citron pressé! (Fr) $14.95 At Bora Fruta Park, the sun shines brightly on the blue sea. Fruit from all over the world comes together for a well-deserved vacation. Beach, pool, View full details $14.95
Deviens maître des illusions (Fr) $19.99 Unleash your inner magician with our Deviens un maître des illusions set by Luc Langevin! Perfect for children and adults alike, this set lets you leView full details $19.99
Deviens maître des cartes (Fr) $19.99 " Here I reveal some of my secrets! With the help of videos and special props, I'll show you how to dazzle your friends and family with spectacular yView full details $19.99
Deviens maître de la pensée (Fr) $19.99 "I'm going to let you in on some of my secrets! Using videos and special props, I'll show you how to dazzle your friends and family with spectacular View full details $19.99
Baguette magique et accesoires (Fr) $14.99 "I'm going to let you in on some of my secrets! With the help of videos and special props, I'll show you how to dazzle your loved ones with 5 easy-toView full details $14.99
Deviens un véritable magicien (Fr) $49.99 "I'm going to let you in on some of my secrets! With the help of videos and special props, I'll show you how to dazzle your friends and family with 8View full details $49.99
Deviens un apprenti magicien (Fr) $39.99 Create your first magic show! From organization and presentation to extraordinary tricks and the final bow! Contains: 1 magician's hat, 1 wand, 1 scaView full details $39.99
Sold out Set of 15 jokes and pranks $22.99 Become the best prankster around with this classic prank set! With 15 items to choose from, you'll be able to trick family and friends over and over View full details $22.99 Sold out
Trick Black Eye Kaleidoscope $3.99 "I don't see anything special... Do you?" To make this joke, ask your victim to look into your kaleidoscope. As he puts his eye on the kaleidoscope, View full details $3.99
Squirt Ketchup Bottle $3.99 "A little ketchup on your fries?" To make this joke, insert the red string into the bottle, leaving the end extended before closing the lid. Then offView full details $3.99
Hand Buzzer $4.99 "Hello! Shall we handshake?" First, wind the ring clockwise at least 10 times before slipping it through your finger. Go over and greet your victim wView full details $4.99
Whoopee Cushion $2.99 PROUT! "Huh! Who farted?" To make this joke, simply inflate the fart pillow and camouflage it where your victim will be sitting. The classic "fart" sView full details $2.99
Relighting Candles $1.99 "Huh! They won't go out?" At a birthday party, place candles on the cake. Light them and let your victim blow and blow to try to extinguish them. WheView full details $1.99
Nail Through Finger $1.99 "Ouch! I nailed my finger!" To perform this joke, simply place the bandage on your index finger while screaming in pain. When your victim comes runniView full details $1.99
Magic Disappearing Ink $1.99 First, shake the ink bottle well. Sit down on a cloth surface and let the magic ink flow. Apologize before bursting into laughter and announcing thatView full details $1.99
Suction Cup $1.99 "Huh! My glass is stuck!?" To perform this joke, simply place the suction cup on the table and place a glass of water on top. Offer the glass to yourView full details $1.99