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Sans Problème (Fr)


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There are no problems, only solutions! As a park ranger, go around the campsite or outdoor resort with a few objects and try to use them to solve the problems of the characters around you. Your mission will be accomplished when you run out of objects!

Sans Problème is designed to help children aged 4 to 9 to think about problems that may arise in everyday life. The game allows them to consider different solutions to the same problem. It also encourages them to think "outside the box".

Ages 4 and up
2 to 4 players
15 to 30 minutes


This product is part of our "Le petit guide pédagogique par le jeu".

Sans Problème (Fr)

This game is ideal for students with special needs


- Ethics and Religious Culture

Note for teachers:

- Promotes communication

Develops the following executive functions:

- Cognitive flexibility
Consult the Guide
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