Bamzball game
Do U Play
Back yard gamers and newbies alike can pick up Bamzball quickly. Like basketball, teams alternate possessions and try to throw the ball through the ring to score. Think of it as Quidditch for Muggles!
Bamzball is played by 2 Teams of 2- 5 players. Opposing teams decide who starts offense or defense. Set up the field - 15" x 15 Square with the Scoring Ring set up in the center. Once the ball is in play - TEAM 1 players can move anywhere outside the square/cones. TEAM 2 Defense can move anywhere inside the square trying to block shots and/or passes to get the ball back. - then switch to offense to try to score. The OBJECT is to throw the ball through the center ring (either side) TO SCORE.
Includes 21″ diameter ring on an adjustable 72″ pole, ground stake, 2 inflatable balls (4″ and 7″ diameter), 4 boundary cones, air pump, and rule book.
5 years and over