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Fous à lier - (Fr)

Synapse Games


Draw the line is a party game where all teams play simultaneously. The sketchers must draw a mystery word by connecting icons on their sketchpad. They then need to mime those icons and make noises related to them so that their respective teammate can guess which icons they need to connect on their sketchpad to recreate their sketcher’s drawing. Players must act fast if they want their team to be the first one to find the mystery word.

Mime and make distinct, precise noises so that the correct icons are identified. It’s guaranteed to make people laugh

Has simple rules that are quick to explain

Is an excellent way of entertaining both friends and family

Inclusive game, anyone can play

Helps develop communication skill

  • Language : French
  • Age : 10+
  • Time : 15-30 min
  • Number of players : 4-8


This product is part of our "Le petit guide pédagogique par le jeu".

Synapse Games
Fous à lier - (Fr)

This game is ideal for 3rd cycle students (10 to 12 years old)


- Transversal skills

Note for teachers:

- Develops attention and quick thinking
- Promotes communication between players

Develops the following executive functions:

- Cognitive flexibility
- Activation
Consult the Guide
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