Tobbie II - Micro:bit (Fr)
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Tobbie II is back with a vengeance! Now he comes with a new Micro: bit Kit. Tobbie can now not only keep up, but also teach young children to code. Equipped with 5x5 programmable LEDs, switches, temperature sensors and more! Tobbie is a little toy full of potential, and your child is here to realize it.
Coding with Micro:bit: Micro:bit is a well-supported ecosystem as a tool for introducing children to coding. Programming with Micro:bit means your child will learn with a clear, concise lesson plan, a variety of platforms on which to code and a friendly community to answer any questions.
Supported mobile application: you can program Tobbie II to follow your order from your smartphone. Currently, Tobbie II can only communicate with Android devices, but soon he'll be talking to iOS devices too!
Unlimited possibilities with Tobbie II: Thanks to an accessible coding platform, your child can run many fun games with Tobbies II, such as Rock, Paper, Scissor, Bowling Game or Guess the Number. More than just a coding teaching device, Tobbie II is equipped with heat sensors and compass modules that allow your child to use Tobbie as a temperature sensor or compass. It all adds up to more fun than ever for any future programmer!
Product specification:
No soldering required!
Battery x 4 AAA (not included)
10 years and more
Coding with Micro:bit: Micro:bit is a well-supported ecosystem as a tool for introducing children to coding. Programming with Micro:bit means your child will learn with a clear, concise lesson plan, a variety of platforms on which to code and a friendly community to answer any questions.
Supported mobile application: you can program Tobbie II to follow your order from your smartphone. Currently, Tobbie II can only communicate with Android devices, but soon he'll be talking to iOS devices too!
Unlimited possibilities with Tobbie II: Thanks to an accessible coding platform, your child can run many fun games with Tobbies II, such as Rock, Paper, Scissor, Bowling Game or Guess the Number. More than just a coding teaching device, Tobbie II is equipped with heat sensors and compass modules that allow your child to use Tobbie as a temperature sensor or compass. It all adds up to more fun than ever for any future programmer!
Product specification:
No soldering required!
Battery x 4 AAA (not included)
10 years and more