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Pirates in boxer shorts (Fr)

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Hear ye! Here ye! You're in possession of a map leading to the famous treasure lost on an island in the middle of the Carramilke Sea by the famous pirate Ringolo Zinzin III.

To get there, you'll need to recruit 3 pirates to lead you. The challenge? You have to start by dressing them... and not just any way! Barbaric though they may be, pirates have taste! Hurry, because your opponents will try to weigh anchor before you do...

Contents :
- 67 cards (60 regular cards and 7 special cards)
- 1 game rule

Ages 4 and up
2 to 6 players
10 to 20 minutes


This product is part of our "Le petit guide pédagogique par le jeu".

Pirates in boxer shorts (Fr)

This game is ideal for preschool students (4 to 6 years old)


- Interact harmoniously with others

Note for teachers:

- Good first strategy game
- This game can be played very well in open play for the first games
Consult the Guide
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