Plus Plus - Mini, Horse tube - 70pcs 3 years and over P4149
Plus Plus - Mini, Horse tube - 70pcs 3 years and over P4149
Plus Plus - Mini, Tube Triceratops - 70pcs 5 years and over P4136
Plus Plus - Mini, Tube Robot - 70pcs 5 years and over P4130
Plus Plus - Mini, Chevalier Tube - 70pcs 5 years and over P4129
Plus Plus - Mini, Tiger Tube - 70pcs 5 years and over P4119
Plus Plus - Mini, Neon Tube - 70pcs 5 years and over P4111
Set of 2 squares serving as a base for Plus Plus mini 5 to 12 years P4022
Construction Set - Gears!Gears! Lights&Action 121 pieces Ages 5 and up LER9209
Building Set - Gears!Gears! Super 150 pieces Ages 3 and up LER9164
Construction Set - Gears!Gears! Deluxe 100-piece set Ages 3 and up LER9162
Moving Monkeys" monkey jungle building set Ages 4 and up Multilingual LER9119